Monday, 25 June 2018

Book Review

Urgent Delivery by Dianne Bates
Illustrated by Chris Norris

Have you ever read Urgent Delivery By Dianne Bates? Well I have,
I thought the book was not that intriguing for my liking and it was not that
interesting. It was quite weird and  I would also not recommend this to
others my age as it is very Kiddish. This is not my type of book but I
read it anyway as I had no other book to read at the moment.

This story is a dramatic fiction story.
Andrew  is about to go on the ride of his life literally.
His mum is about to have a baby on the back seat of the
car while Andrew is driving and the cops are after him.

Urgent Delivery is set at Andrew’s
house, in the car on the way to the hospital
and at the hospital when the baby was born.

The main characters are Mum,
Dad and Andrew who are all a family
that live together and are getting ready for
a baby. Mum is a pregnant  woman and has brown
short hair with wide eyes , Dad is a loving father of two and
has big eyes with short brown hair and Andrew has blonde
short hair and  is a big loving brother to his little sister.

Dianne Bates is an author of may books she writes
many different types of books for all readers. She is an
Australian book writer and was born in Sydney on the 20th
of march 1948 and she is 70 years of age. She spent her high
school years in Appin attending Campbelltown High School. Dianne
Bates is also a teacher as well as a author and While teaching Dianne
Bates began her writing career with her first book Terri.

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